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BS Session "REFLO"

REFLO The ability to finish what you have started .   # DeepThinking Life will always offer you reasons to QUIT. But you have got to mak...


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Friday 26 May 2017

BS Session "REFLO"

REFLO The ability to finish what you have started. #DeepThinking
Life will always offer you reasons to QUIT. But you have got to make a decision to finish what you started. There are no rewards for those who quit.
Many a times people really don't even know when they quit. They think it is only when they give up that's when they quit but they are wrong. Quitting is not an event, it is a process that leads to nothing.
Sam has always been a chronic procrastinator, he can even procrastinate his birthday. What Sam did not realize was that "how you do one thing is how you do everything". So in every other area of his life Sam had reasons to procrastinate. He kept on this way and soon he realized he was quitting before he quit. What if Sam had a reflo?
Contrary to what your current belief is, nothing left on its own eventually gets better. Truth is, it gets worse. Remember what you started in January? How far have you gone? That coaching program you said you will take, have you registered? That ebook you said you will publish and have written few chapters, is it completed and up for sale online yet? Remember that relationship you said you will end, yet you put it on life support. Quitting isn't when you eventually stop, they are the little things that happen along the way that that you don't notice so that when you eventually stop you will realize you actually stopped long ago.

How do you get a REFLO?
  1.  Punish yourself for procrastination: for every time you procrastinate gift someone a token of five hundred naira (N500)/ Two dollars($2)
  2.  Get an accountability partner to hold you accountable. Never assume or believe you've got it together, you will end up making excuses for yourself because your brain is wired to encourage you to make excuses for your shortcomings.
  3. Reward yourself for finishing: have celebrations and rewards for completing a task no matter how little. It becomes a point of reference to complete the next task.

Sam still hasn't realized he has quit yet because he is quitting every moment he doesn't do what he ought to do. He needs a REFLO.
Cross your finish line and begin the next challenge, the race of life only ends in death. Get your REFLO and enjoy the flow. #R4HL
Stop quitting before you quit. I used to think there is no award or reward for the one who quits but I realize life abhors vacuum so there is; REGRET.
To Finish is not the end but the completion of a task. #DeepThinking
Get REFLO now and stop quitting. @wisdomcounselin

BS Session "MDA"

Morning isn't always when dawn breaks or when you wake up from your night slumber, but morning is when you wake up to the realization of who you are and what you can become.
For Some their morning is early; while for others, theirs is late, but one good thing is that they all wake up. Life will make no sense till your morning comes. Even the ancient text says joy comes in the morning.
What waking up to your "Morning" does for you is to help you realize your MDA. No one ever becomes who they can be without their MDA. Here was how Paul discovered his. You see Paul was a son of a billionaire, he had the best things life had to offer till one morning he left home with half the wealth of his father. Soon he lavished all he had and became broke and broken. On one hot sunny day, Paul woke up to his morning. It dawned on him his MDA and his life never remained the same again.
MDA is the game changer for anyone who wants to change the game.
M- Meaning
D- Decision
A- Action

Until you ascribe MEANING you will never rise to the occasion to make a DECISION that leads to ACTION which changes everything. #R4HL
Paul realized (MEANING) that even the drivers back home in his father's house were better off than him. He decided (DECISION) to go back home to his father to possibly become a servant. He arose (ACTION) and went back home. The tale of Paul is told like a fairy tale.
MDA like your DNA is personal and unique to every individual. #R4HL
MEANING will always lead to DECISION and decision will drive ACTION.#DeepThinking
Clarity, Opportunity, Change, all that can happen when your MDA is in place. @wisdomcounselin
If your life isn't going in the direction you want, then navigate your course with your MDA compass. If You need help, am a DM away.

BS Session "submarine mode"

You will always determine how people treat you. #DeepThinking
Image gotten from google search

Sam just realized he had become too available and was soon being taken for granted by his friends. At first he was OK with it until he couldn't take it any more. It was time to shutdown the access he had allowed. Sam went off the radar. He was still online but appeared offline. He deliberately activated "submarine mode".
People by default don't value what they have unlimited access to. They somehow allow their brain to trick them into believing that easy access shows little value. Some people are generally indisciplined and so it is hard to discipline their brain to realize that one can easily lose access same way it was easily gained.

Why must you activate submarine mode sometimes

  1. it makes you unpredictable - the only thing that can be predicted about you is that you are unpredictable
  2.  it enables you to work behind the scenes, undetected, unnoticed and no one can see you coming
  3. it creates the aura of mystery. People for weird reasons love mystery, they adore that which they can't fully explain.

Last night as I shared with my tweethearts about Sam and how he activated his BVEN (check out #DevelopYou @wisdomcounselin) I realized he activated "submarine mode".
When you become too obvious it may make people lose focus. #R4HL
Sam activated submarine mode and when he resurfaced he looked like Moses did when he had just descended from the mount. His friends who had taken him for granted now esteemed him greatly.
Sometimes you may have to stay away to find your way. #DeepThinking
Don't put on your status "submarine mode" activated. Those who talk never do, those who do hardly talk. You know yourself. #R4HL
At any point you notice you have become predictable, you lose the ability to be indispensable. @wisdomcounselin

Career Kick Start

A cross session of young enterprising highly creative people at the#CareerKickStart2017 being organised by Poise Nigeria and BIU LSC.
"I see something in these young people, but I don't know what it is, by the end of our training we will help them find it"
You are the owner of yourself, yourself is not the owner of you. Be Poise, stay Poise, live life the Poise way.

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